In addition to the International Symposium on Zoonoses Research, which takes place annually in Berlin, the National Research Platform for Zoonoses organizes numerous workshops on specific topics. These workshops are intended to promote interdisciplinary exchange and serve to initiate new cooperations and projects in the field of zoonoses research. The events are partly organized in cooperation with partners and, depending on the format, are aimed at scientists as well as at employees of the Public Health Service (ÖGD).
Here you can find the follow-up reports on the events of the Zoonoses Platform.
Complete list (reports mainly in German):
- Nachbericht zum Workshop "Biodiversität und Zoonosen Teil I: die Bedeutung der Moore"
- Nachbericht zum Junior Scientist Zoonoses Meeting 2022
- Nachbericht zum Workshop "Klimawandel und Zoonosen Teil I: Zukünftige Herausforderungen"
- Nachbericht zum Workshop "Klimawandel und Zoonosen Teil II: Das West-Nil-Virus"
- Nachbericht zum Workshop "Klimawandel und Zoonosen Teil III: Zecken-übertragene Zoonosen"
- Nachbericht zum Junior Scientist Zoonoses Meeting 2021
- Nachbericht zur Autumn School 2021
- Nachbericht Zoonoses 2021 - International Symposium on Zoonoses Research
- Nachbericht zum Workshop "Klimawandel und Zoonosen Teil IV: neue Herausforderungen durch Stechmücken übertragene Erreger für Europa"
- Nachbericht zum Workshop "Klimawandel und Zoonosen V: Landnutzungsveränderungen und Zoonosen"
- Nachbericht zum Workshop "Herausforderung Wissenschaftskommunikation"
- Nachbericht zu Zoonoses 2020 - International Symposium on Zoonoses Research
- Nachbericht zum Politischen Abend in Berlin
- Nachbericht zum Junior Scientist Zoonoses Meeting 2020
- Workshop "Future with data - models that simplify the world"
- Workshop "Cell biology of zoonotic viral infections: from reservoirs to humans" (Veröffentlicht von der GfV)
- Zoonoses 2019 - International Symposium on Zoonoses Research
- Young Scientist Breakfast 2019
- Workshop "Inside Tick"
- LGL talks on food safety: "Food and zoonoses: A serious health risk?
- Junior Scientist Zoonoses Meeting 2019
- Workshop “German – Central Asian Cooperation on Zoonotic Diseases”
- Workshop "Vector-borne zoonoses - Current scenarios in Germany and beyond
- MRE-Vorbeugung und Schutz. Hand in Hand!, 19. Februar 2019, Düsseldorf
- International Symposium: Emerging Infections: Increasing preparedness by networking, 27. November 2018, Berlin
- Workshop "Influenza - Auswirkungen der zoonotischen und der saisonalen Grippe", 27. November 2018, Berlin
- Nachwuchsfrühstück 2018, 19. Oktober 2018, Berlin
- National Symposium on Zoonoses Research 2018
- Youngs Scientist Workshop 2018 - The last of its kind
- Workshop "Ebola, Lassa, MERS und Co - vorbereitet auf den Ernstfall?", 18. September 2018, Düsseldorf
- Workshop "Rodent-Borne Diseases", 06. September 2018, Berlin
- Workshop "Austauschplattform Wissenschaft-Public Health (WIPH), 03. September 2018, Berlin
- 6th International Influenza Meeting, 02. - 04. September 2018, Münster
- 2nd International Symposium on RNA virus persistence: mechanisms and consequences, 23. - 25. August 2018, Freiburg
- Junior Scientist Zoonoses Meeting 2018
- Workshop "Nagetier-übertragene Zoonosen: Mäuse, Ratten und ihre Mitbringsel, 15. Mai 2018, Berlin
- Workshop "Ancient DNA techniques for zoonosis research", 15. - 16. Februar 2018, Berlin
- Workshop "Bon Appétit One Health - Food-borne diseases caused by zoonoses" 2017
- Getting out of the filter bubble: Science communication must address sensitive topics and social media
- Nachwuchsfrühstück 2017, 13. Oktober 2017, Berlin
- National Symposium on Zoonoses Research 2017
- Young Scientist Workshop 2017 and organisation meeting 2017
- Workshop "Virus from birds - effects of zoonotic and seasonal influenza
- The Junior Scientist Zoonoses Meeting 2017 - 5 years JSZM
- Workshop "Ticks & Co: We have come to stay"
- Final symposium of the zoonoses associations RESET and MedVet-Staph
- Workshop "The Challenge of Tuberculosis: News on an old problem"
- Workshop "Networking Research and Public Health - Fighting Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Together
- Junior Scientist Breakfast 2016
- National Symposium on Zoonoses Research 2016
- Junior staff workshop 2016 and organisation meeting 2016
- Junior Scientist Zoonoses Meeting (JSZM) 2016
- Workshop "Bon Appétit One Health - Food-borne diseases caused by zoonoses" 2016
- ÖGD Workshop of the Zoonoses Platform 2016 - A look into the future
- Workshop "Salmonella - a complex topic for human and veterinary medicine"
- Workshop "AKTimo - Alternative small mammalian animal experiment models
- Workshop „Tollwut - aus den Augen, nicht aus dem Sinn"
- Internal FluResearch Meeting 2015
- National Symposium on Zoonoses Research 2015
- Promoting young talent beyond specialist knowledge - Young talent workshop 2015
- German - African Cooperation on Infection Research
- Controversial research on highly pathogenic pathogens - possibilities of regulation
- JSZM 2015 - The third official young scientists' meeting of the National Research Platform for Zoonoses - still on course for success
- Basics of data management for scientists in zoonoses research
- 2nd Workshop on Q-Fever
- Workshop "How do I write a successful ERC Starting and Consolidator Grant?"
- International Symposium on Zoonoses Research 2014 in Berlin
- Young Scientist Workshop 2014
- Workshop on Ticks and Tick-Borne Diseases
- 4th International Influenza Meeting 2014
- Second official meeting of young scientists of the National Research Platform for Zoonoses - JSZM 2014
- Workshop "Pets & Zoonoses"
- Interdisciplinary network of influenza researchers – cooperation pays off German research consortium FluResearchNet met in Münster
- National Symposium on Zoonoses Research 2013
- Summer School 2013
- Workshop „Tick-Borne Diseases“ 2013
- JSZM 2013 - Future by and for young scientists in zoonoses research
- European Poxvirus Workshop - What determines poxvirus virulence?
- Kickoff-Junior Scientist Meeting
- National Symposium on Zoonoses Research 2012
- Summer School 2012
- Workshop "Mass spectrometry in zoonoses research" 2012
- 3rd International Influenza Meeting, September 2-4, Muenster (Germany)
- Workshop „Tick-Borne Diseases“ 2012
- Rapid Next-Generation-Sequencing (NGS) Conference- a complete success!
International Workshop „Zoonotic Poxviruses – An Emerging Threat?“ 2011
International Workshop on intestinal mucosal homeostasis and disease 2011
- National Symposium on Zoonoses Research 2010
- Summer School 2010
- Ecology and species barriers in novel viral diseases
- 2nd International Influenza Meeting, September 12-14, Muenster (Germany)
- Workshop „Electronic reporting system““
- Workshop "Neglected Diseases"
- Workshop „Zoonotic and Vector-Borne CNS Infections“
- National Symposium on Influenza Research in Germany 2009
- Workshop Common Cold - SARS - Pandemic Influenza
- National Symposium on Zoonoses Research 2009