Membership One Health Platform
Excerpt from the statutes of the One Health Platform:
§4 Membership
a) Requirements for membership
Membership of the OHP is open to all publicly funded scientists
who are involved in One Health research and/or whose research projects
research projects on One Health have undergone an independent scientific assessment in advance.
have been subjected to independent scientific evaluation. Furthermore, those scientists can obtain membership status
who, in the past three years (at the time of application for membership)
published in peer-reviewed journals on issues in the field of One Health research.
research in the past three years. In addition, practice representatives
(Public Health Service/Veterinary Services/Environmental Agency) who work in the One Health context can also become members.
Until the zoonoses platform has been fully transferred to the One Health Platform
all members of the ZP are automatically also members of the OHP. New membership applications can be
sent by e-mail to the office (Münster site) for this transition period.
for this transitional period.
Membership German research Platform for Zoonoses
All scientists who are researching zoonoses in Germany can become members of the zoonoses platform.
Zehn Jahre nach ihrer Gründung im Jahr 2009 vereint die Zoonosenplattform über 800 Mitglieder unter ihrem Dach.
Ten years after its foundation in 2009, the zoonoses platform brings together more than 800 members under one roof.
The members come from all areas of zoonoses research: human and veterinary medicine, biology, ecology, virology, bacteriology, mycology, parasitology, epidemiology and other fields. They work at universities, federal institutes or other non-university research institutions. This diverse membership enables the zoonosis platform to gain a broad overview of current zoonosis research in Germany. At the same time, it is possible to react flexibly to current research questions and there are suitable contacts for every question. The zoonoses platform supports the work in the network, which is why a large part of the members (approx. 40 %) is organised in the current or former BMBF-funded research alliances on zoonotic infectious diseases.
Every year, the members elect the Internal Advisory Board of the Zoonoses Platform from their ranks. This heterogeneous committee represents the members for a period of one year.
As a rule, the general meeting takes place within the framework of the annual Zoonoses Symposium in autumn in Berlin.
All members have the right to nominate, vote and elect at the general meeting.
In addition to the right to vote, the members of the zoonoses platform also have the opportunity to apply for project funding, to be informed about the latest developments, and to make use of various workshop and networking opportunities offered by the zoonoses platform.

Members of the Zoonoses Platform and other participants at the National Symposium on Zoonoses Research 2015